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Lakeshore Clinic

Dr. Heather Norman and her team of Doctors provide quality care to our community. Keep your body in tune with helpful articles from their Health Newsletter! Everything from pain management tips to advice on teen gaming habits.

Lakeshore Chiropractic Clinic 


Fairview Tire 

Offering after-hours pick-up and drop-off using a secure drop box, Fairview Tire remains OPEN and READY to serve our community safely and professionally. Check out their car care tips section too!

Fairview Tire



Keep buys, and boost your family’s health.. if you’ve always thought of your own backyard garden, now might be the time!  Check out your local nursery as most are doung curbside pickup and delivery.  Enjoy some sunshine, fit in some activity and keep busy now to reap the benefits later!

Winona Gardens

Terra Burlington

Centro Garden

Making Healthy and Nutrition a priority during Covid-19


Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

Access to help and Resources for those in need.

Mental Health and the Coivd-19 Pandemic


Kevin Brady Health

8 Strategies of Mental Health During Covid-19